On June 30th of this year Amma embraced me, just as she does every other Divine light who comes to her. I really have no words to describe the experience, although it reminded me of being back in India, the land where its people are raised to see the Divine in all. There freedom and acceptance when one is in the presence of people embracing this philosophy. No one is lower or higher or better or worse, instead we are all part of the whole.
Waiting in line I did not feel as if I would be meeting a celebrity, rather reconnecting with family member I had never met. As I knelt in front of her, waiting behind others on their knees, it amazed me to see so many people coming to her for healing,unconditional love, and the chance to feel at home in their own hearts. Some people broke down in tears and everyone smiled. Her hug was sweet, sincere and her unique and beautiful smell stayed with me the rest of the day. One of my yoga teachers stepped up and introduced me to Amma when it was my turn and for this Amma gave me an apple. Wasn't I the one who was to bring her an offering? Surely there are others more deserving of this apple. I kept the apple on my desk for awhile, not knowing if I should eat it or not. I ran a short pole and everyone said I should, so I did. It was the best apple I have ever consumed. This reminded me that every apple I eat, every food I eat should be seen as a gift, as there are so many who go without.
I did notice the feeling of floating outside of my body for several hours after we left Amma which did not fare well for driving in Dallas traffic and when I returned home I dove into even more research about Amma, wanting to know more about this woman who goes around the world embracing anyone and everyone she meets. I am a hugger, so I "get" the gift of what she is giving and for it I am grateful.
This Humanitarian is tops and the light shining from her is truth, love, and warmth. I look forward to my next hug from Amma and while I would love to write something deep and profound explaining my experience, my only advice would be that it is something that one must experience to understand and that each experience is unique and special.
Hugging is such wonderful medicine and it is Free!
Om Namah Shivaya Ya'll!
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