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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Politics: Spine Bending Left, Right, or Center?

Who is bending their hearts towards whom in this crazy election?

It’s Dirty Ya'll!

One has to admit it is a bit exciting, but some people are taking differences of opinions all too personally, causing energy-rifts in the yoga studio which totally funks up the one-ness vibe. My intuition tells me there are many yogis out there with unbalanced Crown Chakras, as they defend their chosen candidate with the force equal to an elephant falling out of Sirsasana onto a mouse in Balasana. Are we not aware our voices set the vibrational tone of our room and ultimately our entire planet? This must be why politics is considered one of the “forbidden subjects” if we want to refrain from squashing our friendships like the helpless mouse.

My opinion (because I know you’re dying to hear it): I believe in the freedom of Being and in Being. That we find acceptance for ourselves and others so that the one-ness vibe I alluded to above permeates our surroundings and ultimately the planet.

If yoga teaches us that our birthright is Bliss, then why do we disregard or worse yet, judge others for their opinions? Our Opinions are created through our life experience. It is estimated that there are 6.7 Billion people on our planet; this means there are 6.7 billion different life experiences, so any two year old can do the math and see that well, we will be havin us some debates here and there. The key is to come from love and knowledge (e.g. knowledge that we are all ONE and what I do or say affects EVERYONE), rather than coming from hate and fear. While we can not control what happens on November 4th, we CAN control our thoughts and reactions. Love and knowledge cultivates more love and knowledge, while hate and fear breeds even more hate and fear.

It seems, more often than not, yogis bend their hearts more towards the left for Obama. I even found this bumper sticker!

I did not find any Yoga Instructors for Mccain bumper stickers. This seems unfair. I live in Texas, I know there are at least SOME conservative yoga teachers out there bending toward the right.

I will share my choice in this election, as I am going with the candidate who most resonates with my life experience. It is nether Mccain or Obama. It is Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate. I'm bending towards the middle.

For the next week the theme in my yoga class will be compassion. Our backbends will come from the heart and love; acceptance will fill our studio. I fully intend to do my part to keep the peace and teach that we can not control that which we fear. What will be, will be and we take it from there.

Can we not see the Divine Light in each candidate?

I will leave you with two happy pictures of both top candidates and more importantly, as quote from my seven year old son who has decided who he will vote for all on his own.

“I think Obama will win because he says things nice.”

This is HIS experience and his experience is no more or no less important than yours or mine. I will not judge him for it and neither should anyone else.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When You Don't Have It , You Just Don't Have It

or do you?

As a yoga teacher it is my job (I feel) to give from the heart and to come to class prepared and ready for whatever awaits me. With past jobs I could show up and fake my enthusiasm, with this job my students see through me. I often feel like a big naked statue and they can see all of my chips and cracks. I have heard, more than once that my emotional state is not good at playing hide and go seek. I suppose I should find solace in the fact that I teach the practice of Satya and that we all are who we are, as we are, in every moment and all is well in the truth of things. My students stepping up to offer a bit of support like, *"Uh, hey, you seem a little stressed...are yoga teachers supposed to be stressed? You should try 20 rounds of Nadhi Shodhana" proves they have been listening to my teachings. At times the student truly is the teacher and that is why I needed to be in class that day. *Yes this really happened.

There have been a couple of times that I simply knew I would cheat my students should I show up on a particular day, for example if I am doubled over with my monthly blessing or my head is on fire with the latest migraine (the two, incidentally, usually go hand in hand), then I think it is safe to say I need to sit this one out. Also, family situations arise and this too may call for a break from the teacher yoga mat, after all doesn't world peace begin at home?

Mother Theresa said,"Peace begins with a smile". Unless I have just come from the dentist numbed up or have spinach in my teeth I believe I can give my best smile, no matter the state of my personal life (apart from the above mentioned occurrences). I know this much I can give. Knowing this has given me just enough to get through a class with the presence and love of someone in complete merriment. Sometimes, just showing up makes everything that seems "wrong" seem so perfect as it is.

Finally, of The Four Agreements, Do Your Best rings true here. Our best is always changing and sometimes I know I will be spot on teaching a class and some days I will slip all over my words, forget a side, or tell an inappropriate joke that will haunt me for weeks. However, I can always give my best smile for that day and provide the best class I can.

An unknown author said,"Don't worry, don't hurry, do your best and let it rest."

So be it!